European Institutions
- Directorate-General Mobility and Transport (MOVE)
- Directorate-General for Climate (CLIMA)
- Directorate-General for Energy (ENER)
- Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)
- Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC)
- Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO)
- Directorate-General Research and Innovation (RTD)
- European Climate, infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
- Fuels Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU)
- European Investment Bank (EIB)
European Initiatives
- Sustainable Transport Forum (STF)
- The Urban Mobility Observatory (ELTIS), Mobility Plans
- EU Mission: Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities (Factsheet on the initiative)
- EIT Climate-KIC
- EIT Urban Mobility
- Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
- CIVITAS Sustainable and Smart Mobility for all
- Smart Cities
- Electric Mobility Europe