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European Alternative Fuels Observatory


Incentives and Legislation

The incentives and legislations section is undergoing a comprehensive annual update for 2025, due to be published by 18th April 2025.

The last annual update was to represent situation as of 2024, publihsed on 23rd April 2024.

Incentives and legislation that aim to increase uptake of alternative fuels vehicles and infrastructure.

If you know of other national or local incentives that should be included in this section, please send us an email, or use the button on the right, and let us know. We review the proposed changes and implement the updates on a short notice. 

Registration tax benefits

Electric vehicles benefit from a significantly lower registration tax compared to gasoline-powered vehicles. This tax is based on the vehicle's CO2 emissions, and for EVs, it's typically 0%, resulting in substantial savings. 

Ownership tax benefits

BEVs are exempt from paying the annual vehicle tax. 

Company tax benefits
  •  Tax deduction of €170 per month from taxable value (income tax) for BEVs (2021-2025).
  •  Charging of electric vehicles at a workplace is exempt from income tax (2021-2025)
Purchase subsidies

No purchase subsidies available at the moment.  

AF infrastructure incentives

A 30 % subsidy for building > 11 kW public charging stations and 35 % subsidy for building > 22 kW fast charging stations

Users will be able to charge BEVs and PHEVs at the workplace and at public charging points tax-free. The tax value of on-the-job charging is currently 30 euros per month. This benefit will also be valid for a limited period, 2021-2023.

Other Financial Benefits

The employer can pay charging electricity at the workplace or a public charging point to the company car driver with limited car benefit or the employee driving their own car. It is tax-free for the driver. The benefit depends on whether the employer wants to pay for it or not.

Local incentives

50% discount for parking at Helsinki city for low CO2 emission cars.
Some other municipalities in Finland offer free parking for electric vehicles in designated parking zones.

Interesting links
Announced policy changes (effective later in 2024 and after)

The new act on subsidies for purchasing vehicles using alternative fuels or propulsion systems and converting a vehicle into such, payable for a fixed term, enters into force on 1 January 2022. The act will remain in force until 31 December 2024. The schemes will be applicable in 2022-2023, but applications for the subsidies must be submitted by 31 March 2023. Applications for subsidies concerning vans are to be submitted by 31 December 2022.

Are you aware of further incentives you want to bring to the Observatory's attention? Let us know by filling in this form.

Incentives and Legislation

The incentives and legislations section is undergoing a comprehensive annual update for 2025, due to be published by 18th April 2025.

The last annual update was to represent situation as of 2024, publihsed on 23rd April 2024.

Incentives and legislation that aim to increase uptake of alternative fuels vehicles and infrastructure.

If you know of other national or local incentives that should be included in this section, please send us an email, or use the button on the right, and let us know. We review the proposed changes and implement the updates on a short notice.