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European Alternative Fuels Observatory

European Union (EU27)

Target tracker

AFIR fleet-based target

Pursuant to Article 3.1 of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), Member States are mandated to facilitate the deployment of publicly accessible recharging stations for light-duty vehicles, commensurate with the adoption rates of electric vehicles within their territories. Specifically, AFIR dictates the following annual cumulative power output targets for recharging infrastructure:

  • Battery-Electric Light-Duty Vehicles (BEVs): Each BEV registered in a Member State must be supported by a minimum total power output of 1.3 kW from publicly accessible recharging stations.
  • Plug-in Hybrid Light-Duty Vehicles (PHEVs): Each PHEV registered must have at least 0.8 kW total power output provided by publicly accessible recharging stations.

These targets ensure that the infrastructure deployment is aligned with vehicle uptake, thereby supporting the EU’s broader environmental and mobility goals.

Calculation of Target Output for Member States

The target power output for each Member State (denoted as Member State X) is computed by summing the products of the number of registered BEVs and PHEVs with their respective power output requirements:

Target Output=(Number of BEVs×1.3kW)+(Number of PHEVs×0.8kW)

The achievement of these targets is assessed by comparing the actual power output available through public infrastructure to the calculated target output, facilitating transparent and objective monitoring of progress towards AFIR compliance.


It has been identified that existing reporting mechanisms may lead to an overestimation of available power output due to potential double-counting of multi-point recharging stations. To address this, the European Alternative Fuels Observatory (EAFO), in collaboration with our data partner Eco-movement, refined data collection methodologies. This initiative now ensures that each recharging station is appropriately counted, reflecting true infrastructure capabilities without redundancy. Going forward, reporting practices are now adjusted to adhere strictly to AFIR guidelines, which emphasize accuracy and transparency in data handling. This adjustment is crucial for the accurate tracking of Member States' infrastructure capabilities relative to AFIR targets.

Text of the AFIR available at this link.

Total power output per AFIR fleet-based target

Recharging Power per EV target attainment

Fleet NIR targets

NIR electric fleet targets for 2025 and progress

NIR electric fleet targets for 2030 and progress

Infrastructure NIR targets

NIR recharging infrastructure targets for 2025 and progress

NIR recharging infrastructure targets for 2030 and progress

Electric Fleet NPF targets

NPF electric fleet targets for 2025 and progress

NPF electric fleet targets for 2030 and progress

Infrastructure NPF targets

NPF recharging infrastructure targets for 2025 and progress

NPF recharging infrastructure targets for 2030 and progress