Here you can find a curated selection of useful resources relevant to Alternative Fuels policies and regulation.
Documents repository
General permit for recharging infrastructure
This excerpt is from a document related to a licensing procedure for the construction and operation of SLS (Service and Rest Areas) on the motorway network. The document discusses the allocation of rest areas to the operator based on an evaluation procedure and mentions the ownership of national roads by the Swiss Confederation.
Supplement to the general licence for the construction and operation of fast recharging stations
This document supplements a general license and contains technical specifications related to the construction and operation of fast-recharging stations. It includes excerpts from an original document titled "Invitation to submit applications for the construction, maintenance, and operation of fast-charging stations at rest areas on motorways," which served as the basis for the applications for the general license. The supplement specifically focuses on the "Minimum requirements" and additional information provided under "Notes/Framework conditions," extracted from chapters 5.2 to 5.6 of the original document.
Easy charging without barriers: Requirements for barrier-free charging infrastructure

This document outlines guidelines for creating accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Germany. It addresses technical and organizational requirements to ensure that charging stations are user-friendly for people with disabilities, incorporating design standards for ease of use, accessibility, and safety. The guidelines emphasize the integration of universal design principles to enable independent usage by all, including those with physical limitations.
Accessibility Requires Holistic Responsibility - Report on Accessible Charging Infrastructure

This report, compiled by Sweco for Region Jämtland Härjedalen, analyzes the current state and responsibility for accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Sweden. It highlights significant gaps in accessibility at public charging stations, affecting not only people with disabilities but also the elderly, pregnant women, and those with temporary impairments. The report underscores the need for clear regulatory standards and unified responsibility to ensure universally accessible charging facilities.